¡Todos son bienvenidos!
¡El Centro CARE es un Lugar de Bienvenida oficial!
¡Todos son bienvenidos! Leer más »
¡El Centro CARE es un Lugar de Bienvenida oficial!
¡Todos son bienvenidos! Leer más »
¡El CARE Center se complace en anunciar que fueron los ganadores de BALTO 2019 de Edmond North High School!
Markie Martin de KOCO habla con The CARE Center durante el Mes de Prevención del Abuso Infantil para nuestra serie Project CommUNITY.
Project CommUNITY de KOCO en el Mes de la Prevención del Abuso Infantil Leer más »
La Gerente de Educación, Shelby Lynch, se sentó con Living Oklahoma para conversar sobre ROAR y el plan del CARE Center para acabar con el abuso infantil en el condado de Oklahoma.
ROAR en Living Oklahoma Leer más »
El Centro CARE ha llegado a 10,000 niños a través de ROAR, un programa de prevención de abuso infantil creado por el Centro y lanzado en 2017.
View Article in Metro Family Magazine In Oklahoma County, one in three girls and one in five boys will be victims of sexual assault by age 18, according to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services. “We teach our kids how to call 911 if there is an emergency, how to safely get out of a
Enseñar seguridad corporal a los niños Leer más »
Trauma Causes Stress Natural disasters, man-made crises such as car or plane accidents, or violent episodes like shootings or bombings happen all too often these days. Traumatic events can have profound effects not only on those who have been directly involved and influenced but also on people close to those people and to witnesses. Effects
Hablando con los niños sobre eventos traumáticos Leer más »
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. (June 13, 2017) – National Children’s Alliance awarded The CARE Center (Child Abuse Response & Evaluation) Inc. re-accreditation following an extensive application and site review process. Accreditation is the highest level of membership with National Children’s Alliance as it denotes excellence in servicing children and families who have suffered abuse. As the
El Centro CARE está acreditado por Nation Children's Alliance Leer más »
http://okcfox.com/news/local/child-advocates-abuse-levels-too-high-in-the-state https://www.google.com/amp/kfor.com/2018/02/09 /la-muerte-de-los-niños-pequeños-gobernada-como-homicidio-policia-dice/amp/
Centro CARE responde a muerte infantil reciente Leer más »
https://kfor.com/2018/07/20/homeschool-group-pushes-for-stronger-laws-after-child-abuse-case/ The bystander who reported suspected child abuse and neglect to DHS truly saved this boy’s life. The CARE Center offers a FREE training for adults called Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect that teaches anyone who works with children the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of child abuse as well as how to