The CARE Center Introduces Therapy Dog to Aid Child Abuse Victims in Oklahoma County
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The CARE Center Introduces Therapy Dog to Aid Child Abuse Victims in Oklahoma County Leer más »
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The CARE Center Introduces Therapy Dog to Aid Child Abuse Victims in Oklahoma County Leer más »
In the United States, approximately 2.7 million children aged 3-17 experienced feelings of depression. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and understanding about mental health issues.
Providing Hope: It is Time to Open the Door for Mental Health Conversations Leer más »
“One in seven children are abused in our county. One in seven, it is a really high statistic and something that should really strike fear in our households because this is something that is preventable,” shares Stacy McNeiland, our CEO & Founder of ROAR.
Small, but Mighty: Sharing the Strength of ROAR Leer más »
As a child advocacy center, we felt a responsibility to provide ideal mental health treatment for all our brave visitors. Luckily, we found the ideal team for this task.
Providing a Safe Haven: The CARE Center’s Free Mental Health Services Leer más »
We firmly believe that prevention education is crucial in ending child abuse in Oklahoma County. In today’s technology-driven world, one concerning issue often overlooked is the detrimental effect of social media and the internet on children.
Technology Vs. Health: Simple Secrets for A Healthy Mindset Leer más »
As we commemorate Mental Health Awareness Month, we sat down with our esteemed Mental Health Department to glean their invaluable insights and advice. Join us on this insightful journey, as our experts shed light on the importance of mental well-being in the lives of the affected children and their families.
Este plan de seguridad tecnológica ha sido proporcionado por la Red Nacional para Terminar con la Violencia Doméstica con la esperanza de que aumente la seguridad tecnológica para las víctimas de violencia doméstica y abuso sexual.
Mes de Concientización sobre la Salud Mental Leer más »
La semana de concientización sobre enfermedades mentales es del 4 al 10 de octubre. ¡Esta publicación de blog contiene recursos de salud mental, así como preguntas y respuestas de nuestra coordinadora de salud mental, Hannah Griffis!
Semana de Concientización sobre Enfermedades Mentales Leer más »
Esta publicación de blog sirve como recurso para jóvenes y padres LGBTQIA+. En esta publicación de blog, encontrará terminología y definiciones, así como recursos locales (Oklahoma City) y nacionales.
Recursos para padres y jóvenes LGBTQIA+ Leer más »